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Our proprietary online learning platform, HSC101, brings you unrivalled Flexibility and convenience…almost like having a private tutor with you 24/7!


our comprehensive learning videos cover every facet of the syllabus in unparalleled Depth and clarity.

Thousands of easy-to-understand and easy-to-digest videos providing clear explanations that show how to solve a wide-range of problems, from basic applications of formulae to complex examination-style questions!


Our AI-powered online practices allow you to hone your skills and test your understanding.

input your answers upon completion to get graded automatically. You’ll know immediately how you’re going and be given detailed feedback!

the best part? the exercises are algorithmic and randomly generated so you can do a practice as many times as it takes to master the relevant concepts and skills!




with our online learning videos and online practices, you can use HSC101 to:

  1. learn new content and get ahead!

  2. review and revise rusty content!

  3. search for specific videos to help with particular concepts or problems you’re stuck on!